I see the light!

Great news! I've finally set the date for my PhD defense: April 22nd. Yay!!! In about a month I'll hold the title of PhD that I've worked so hard for over the past 5 years (well, this last year has also been my dietetic internship, but who's counting? :) ).

I've been taking this whole month off lifting... actually, I did work out one day at the gym,... and let me tell ya, it's the worst thing ever.

I don't know how people live a life of work, TV and bed. Really. I have been walking and running outside when I can, and lifting in my house, but my body is really out of shape.

I've had to do this to really focus on two key papers I'm prepping for publication. My brain just doesn't work that well if I work out hard and then try to think about serious things. But... it'll be worth it and I'll feel worthy of the goal.

One other thing I'm doing before I defend is attending the Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionist's annual meeting in Arizona next month from April 17-19th. I'm looking forward to attending even though I'll be practicing my defense presentation on the plane and at night in my hotel room.

If any of you are attending, let me know, as I'd love to hang out with you. If you haven't thought of going, do consider it. The program this year looks great and it's a good opportunity to network with some very successful Sports RDs.

Wish me luck these next few weeks as I'm in the final stretch and can see the light at the end of this very long tunnel!

BTW - When I'm done, my life will begin again. I'm looking forward to starting the next book idea and posting videos of nutrition and exercise specifically for women. Also, I'll blog about my progress in my quest to drop the weight I've gained from being so immobile these past few months and my goal of a 155lb bench press :)
Yay! Life is good!


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