I'm proud to let everyone know that as of 12:30pm on Wednesday April 22nd, I passed my PhD defense with flying colors!!!
I can now officially call myself "Dr Forsythe"! So exciting!
After 5 great years at the #1 Kinesiology program in the U.S., and 12 years total of post-secondary education, I'm now D.O.N.E.!!!!!
It's hard to believe this day is actually here! Wow!
I'll be back to blogging once the weekend (and celebration) has passed. A few things I'll touch upon will be:
- My journey to a better body. After 4 months of sitting on my butt writing my dissertation and 1 month where I didn't even go to the gym, I have to say I'm not looking that bikini-body ready. I'll outline my training plan and eating plan to acheive my goals.
- My experiences in my dietetic internship (that ends June 26th).
- Important topics pertaining to both my books, like brands of glucomannan and foods choices
- Athletic Amenorrhea and my own personal experiences.