I'm a huge fan of hemp food products and one of my most favorite hemp companies is Manitoba Harvest. This company is based out of Winterpeg (I mean Winnipeg... only the Canadians will understand that one... :) ), Manitoba and produces some of the most yummy and nutritious hemp food products inlcuding:
- Hemp Pro 70 - the first high protein hemp protein concentrate
- Hemp Butter - just as tasty, but even more nutritious as any other nut butter
- Hemp Bliss - certified hemp beverage
- Hemp Seed Oil - a terrific fatty acid composition for health
- Shelled Hemp Seeds - delicious and easy to digest
This month, the company has published a very cool and interesting newsletter to celebrate the Halloween festivities. Check out their recipe for Gruesome Guacamole, which includes the healthy fat-containing hemp oil and hemp seeds.
To read more, click the link here: Manitoba Harvest October Newsletter