When You Feel Over-Whelmed, It's Okay to Take a Mental Break

Personal trainer assessing a client's goals an...Image via WikipediaI got an early morning text from a client saying that life was really busy for her this week, and she needed a break from her workout session. Part of my job as a personal trainer is to motivate my clients to stay on track to accomplish their fitness goals. And another part of my job is knowing when a client is over-whelmed by the things of life, and giving them the okay to skip a session and to not feel guilty about it.

Sometimes as a personal trainer I have to discern the best road to take for the long-term health and fitness of my clients. If I convince my clients to keep their appointments if they are feeling over-whelmed by life, when it would be more beneficial for them to take a mental break, then I am adding to their stress.

When the things of life get in the way of your fitness plan it's okay to take a session or two off as long as you pick-up your workouts when you get your focus back. Let's face it, we all have days that we just don't want to get out of bed, and that's s sign that we need a mental break. My advice is to take one.
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