I burned over 1000 calories with this great workout which combined a lot of elements. I used a weighted rope in this routine and increased the jump roping to 2 sets. The second set of jump roping in between the sets consisted of high knees and mummy kicks as performed in the popular Insanity workouts.
This workout was so intense that I had to bring it down a notch to keep my heart in the appropriate zone for my age (hitting that max and bring it back down is what maximized the caloric expenditure). But this here was a great workout and garnered quite a bit of attention at the gym when I started doing the hand stand push-ups. It is very important to wear a heart rate monitor when performing this routine.
Warm up
5 x 100 reps jump rope 30 sec rest in between.
Dynamic stretching
The Circuit (3 times)
10-12 reps or to exhaustion Romanian Dead-lifts
2 x100 reps jump rope
10-12 TRX assisted handstand push-ups
2 x 100 reps jump rope
TRX one legged lunge 10 reps each leg.
2 x 100 reps jump rope
30 second TRX plank
Cool down
3 x 100 reps jump rope (moderate pace)
Upper & lower body static stretching
Post Workout Shake
1 ½ scoop s whey protein powder ( I use EAS or MetRX vanilla)
1 cup of frozen fruit (Blackberries, Peaches, & Raspberries)
1 cup of fat free skim milk
¼ cup of water
1 Tbs of all natural peanut butter
2 Tbs of ground flaxseed
1 tsp of agave