Please note this workout is intended for those who have already achieved better than average level of fitness. This is a workout I used this morning while monitoring my heart rate and caloric expenditure. If you are new to fitness and still wanted to give this a try I would recommend cutting the jump rope reps in half or leave it out all together until you have built the level of fitness requires by this non-stop workout. Jumping rope while an excellent for of cardio, it requires a great deal of stamina and good knees. But with time and practice you eventually build up your jump roping skills to more advance levels
Jump Rope routine
100 reps mummy kicks with jump-rope
20 torso rotations left to right (like a boxer)
100 reps high knee jump ropes
20 torso rotations
100 reps butt kicks with jump rope
20 torso rotations
200 regular jump ropes
Light upper body and lower body stretching
Circuit 1 (3 times rest 1-2 min between circuits)
Seated seated hammer curls to failure
TRX curls 10-12 reps
200 reps Jump Rope
Circuit 2 (3 times)
Atomic push-ups (TRX) 10-15 reps
100 reps jump rope
One legged squats 10 reps each leg with TRX
100 reps jump rope
Dumbbell Military Press 8-10 reps
100 reps jump rope
Circuit 3 (3 times)
Sprinter stance with TRX 20 times each leg
100 reps jump rope
Hand stand push-ups using TRX 10-15 reps
100 reps jump rope
Cool Down
100 slow paced reps of jump rope
30 slow torso rotations
100 slow paced jump rope reps
Static stretching of both upper and lower body.