I love my Body Bug because, not only do I know how many calories I'm burning, but it keeps me motivated. If I have a goal to burn a certain amount of calories per day, and I haven't hit it yet, then I know I need to run a few stairs in my house, do an extra load of laundry, maybe vacuum some more or go take an evening stroll with my family. It keeps me going and keeps me setting more goals throughout the week.
I highly recommend a BodyMedia Bug. You'll love it and it's totally worth it's money. To find out your calories and steps for the day, all you have to do is plug it into your computer and download your info for the day/week. It'll pop up all your information. Including what part of the day you were most active, how many calories you burned per hour/minute, and what calories you burn even when you're sedentary. Did I mention I love mine?