All workouts this weekend took place a the lovely Salem Commons. Saturday was tire throwing day and this usually catches quite a curious crowd. On Saturday there were a lot of tourist and I was asked five times was I a boxer. I am often ask if I'm a boxer or UFC fighter but 5 times was the most in one day. Another ask was I getting ready for NFL season in Sept. I had to laugh my ass off at that one because if they look closely at the grey hair slightly underneath my bandanna they would see I was old enough to be most of those NFL players' father.Not to mention at 5' 7" I don't see NFL on me unless my name is Darrell Greene. But I guess they are thinking what other kind of nut would be throwing a tire 150 meter across a field. The work ethic is just hard coded in my DNA that's all. Anyway, here are my workouts for Saturday, Sunday, & Monday Fourth of July Weekend 2011.
Saturday July 2nd, 2011
5 x 100 jump rope reps
Dynamic stretching upper/lower body
The following circuit completed 4x
Bar Work
20 pull-ups
10 inverted tucks
10-15 knee up kick outs
2x 100 jump rope
1 x 10 Y-T combo rows
1 x 10 Bicep curls
1 x 10 Tricep extensions
1 x 10 Superman planks
Agility Ladder Drills (34 ft up & back total 68ft) This is distance is a real challenge
Icky shuffle
In-Out double leg slalom
Lateral Shuffle
300 yard over head tire throw (for circuit 1)
300 yard tire power clean (for circuit 2)
300 yd over head/power clean combo (for circuits 3 & 4)
1 x 20 Overhead tire squat jack push press
Cool Down:
5 x 100 jump rope
Static stretch
Sunday July 3rd, 2011
5 x 100 jump rope
TRX lunges
TRX sprinter starts
TRX lateral lunges
Hamstring kicks
High knees
Mummy kicks
Walking quad stretch
Hamstring stretch
Agility ladder drills (34 ft up and down 3 exercises same from Sat.)
Sprint workout
4 150m sprints
6 60m sprints
6 40m sprints
Agility ladder drills performed after every 2 sprints
TRX balanced lunge 20 each side
TRX split squats 10 each side
Cool down
5 x 100 jump rope
static stretch
Monday July 4th, 2011
AFS -TRX/Calisthenics Circuit
Warm-up (the usual for me)
5 x 100 jump rope
Dynamic stretching
Circuit 3x:
20 pull-ups
10 inverted tucks
10 knee raise kick-outs
1 x 100 jump rope
1 x 10 TRX chest press
1 x 10 TRX suspended deep fly
1 x 20 suspended one-leg push-ups
2 x 100 jump rope
Cool Down:
TRX assisted static stretching
TRX Essentials: Strength