My Workout Log For This Week

The TRX and USA suspension trainers have really changed the way I workout and train my clients. It is incorporated in almost every workout that I perform for myself and my clients. Rather it's sprinting, tire throwing, weight lifting, cardio, or whatever the TRX or USA is in the mix. Here is my workout log for the past 2 days.

Thursday July 7th, 2011
Location: Bally's L St, NW DC

5 x 100 jump rope at a moderate pace
Body weight squats
Torso rotations

3 x 10 each side barbell split squats
1 x 100 jump rope between each set
3 x 10 barbell dead-lifts
1 x 100 jump rope between sets

3 x 10 superman planks
2 x 10 muscle-ups
Non-stop core crusher
(minimal rest my arms get tire so I take just enough to recover)
10 TRX Crunch
10 Oblique Crunch
5 Pikes
10 Crunch/Oblique crunch combo

3 x100 Jump rope

Cool Down:
TRX assisted static stretch

Fitness Anywhere: Make your body your machine.

Wed Sprint Workout July 6th, 2011
Location: Howard HS Track, Columbia, Md

1/2 Mile Barefoot Jog
TRX Lunge
TRX Lateral Lunge
TRX Squat

Dynamic Drills
20m High knees
20m Mummy kicks
20m Hamstring kicks
20m Power skip
20m Lateral sprint both sides
Leg Swings
Hamstring stretch
Jump tucks

The Sprint Drill:
1 x 110m
1 x 110m
1 x 200m
1 x 60m
1 x 60m
1 x 100m
1 x 100m
1 x 60m
1 x 60m
1 x 200m

Cool Down:
TRX Lateral Lunge
TRX Balance Lunge
PLENTY of static stretching


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