Workout Log For Saturday July 9, 2011

Today I had a big sprint day planned. Unfortunately the field condition from the over night storm in the Boston North Shore area did not make sprints a wise option. So I had to tweek the workout by adding more jump roping. Also, a Facebook friend and Certified Turbulence Trainer, Mike Whitfield, had some very interesting 'metabolic finishers' posted on his website to add to one's workout so I chose the Bur-pee/Chin-up 'metabolic finisher'. But I had to tweek this as well because of the sprints I had to omit. So instead of counting down from 8 to 7 to 6 and so on I just kept going when I got down to 5 and started from 8 and cut the rest from 40secs to 30secs. I also want to get the chin-up count closer to 100 which is the minimum I do during a workout session that includes them. I'm sure with the sprints in the program I would have not needed to tweek it, especially with those 'puke inducing' bur-pees added in there. I will attempt to get the sprints in tomorow with tire throwing. But anyway here is the workout I performed today.

Location: Salem Commons, Salem, Ma.

7 x 100 Jump Rope

AFS-TRX Resistance/Jump Rope 3x:
1 x 10 Hand Stand Push-ups
2 x 100 Jump Rope
1 x 20 Jump Squats
1 x 10 Single Leg Atomic Push-ups
2 x 100 Jump Rope
1 x 10 Superman Planks
1 x 10 Single Arm Bicep curls per arm
2 x 100 Jump Rope
1 x 30 Alternating Jumping Lunge (this REALLY get the heart rate up)

Added Bonus
4 x 100 Jump Rope

Metabolic Finisher courtesy of Mike Whitfield of Crank Training
Countdown From 8 40 secs rest

Check out Mike's website for more details:

Cool Down Stretch

Some core & flexibility training this evening.

P.S. Oh and to my other Facebook buddy over at Shrivers Fitness Kris Buxenbaum, whose stability & flexibility training is some of the BEST I've seen, I nailed the standing balance on the physio ball today.


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