Since today was a holiday, all the GX classes were moved an hour earlier since all non-mall Fitness First gyms close at 8PM on holidays. A thought that was lost on JM who arrived late for Jury's Body Combat class tonight at FF Greenhills. He arrived 10 minutes before the class ended and situated himself at my back! And he looked really handsome and wore a sleeveless shirt! I hate him. Kung kelan pa siya hindi balot, dun pa siya late! I did catch glimpses of his sexy armpit hair, which I think he shaved so it doesn't look too bushy now.
There were several cute guys in the Body Combat class today, all situated towards my right and my back! How lucky can I get! The first one was a regular and he's usually towards my left but today, he decided to be on my right. He has chest hair which is cute and although he is short, he really has nice bushy armpit hair! Then the second guy came with another regular cute guy (who I suspect to be gay) and I think he's new to the gym. Nice armpit hair too and by his movements, I could surmise it was his first time in the class. He had that lost cute look! Nice!
One of the BC guys I sponsored last year was in the gym too and I can't believe I forgot his name now! He called me out during Body Jam and we chatted a little bit. And then I was elated that during the last song of routine, he joined me and we had a lot of fun doing it together! He's cool!
The steam was sira so everyone was in the sauna, nagsiksikan! No particularly cute guys there tonight, just the usual gay cruising set, and not particularly cute.
I did see the chinito hunk whom I did weights last week shirtless. Very nice body and pink nipples. Yum yum! And we were together again in the sink area, and I don;t know why he was lingering there. Could he be gay too? Nice!
The hairy chubby guy was in the Body Balance class too today and I did want to ask Rei how to do that back hand stand but was again too shy to ask.