David Rich is a certified personal trainer with eight years experience and a popular fitness model, and is full of beans. His sites DavidRichFitness.com and FitnessModelBody.com are extremely comprehensive. The blond hunk offers countless demonstration videos, DVDs, fitness consultation and much more. Watch his promo video:
Meanwhile he's even selling his own dressy workout underwear: Rich Underwear, available on RichUnderwear.com and UnderwearDVD.com.

David Rich has the knowledge, the body, and the smile. But most convincing is his own way to fitness, his own story. David tells:
"When I was a skinny 14 year old, I set out with the goal of developing a muscular body, like what I saw on TV and in magazines. Not knowing what to do and having not much in the way of gym equipment, I started in my home doing mainly push-ups, sit-ups and a little dumbbell work. Once high school began, I used the school's equipment, doing the workouts they told me to do. In that first year I noticed some progress, but I felt I could be better. Knowing very little about working out or the human body, I figured that the more I trained the better the results would be. I got to the point where I was doing four hour-long workouts a day! Of course, I wasn't seeing any dramatic results other than being over-tired. I was overtraining.

17 years old and now
I realized I needed to learn the correct ways to train. I starting reading every magazine and book I could find on working out. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I cut my workouts down to just four times per week, for less then an hour a session. The results came quickly, but I was still not satisfied. One book would say to workout like this, another like this, while the magazine would say "this bodybuilder works out like this so you should too!" (I'm not a big fan of fitness magazines). How was I going to find the perfect workout program when everyone said something different? Well, I was young, so I simply tried them all! Over the next few years, I did every workout program I could get my hands on, in an attempt to find a perfect system.

And you know what I found from all those books and all those years of in the gym research? There is no perfect program. It's all about training with a certain system that allows your body to adapt in the right way, creating the physical changes you need to achieve your goal. The trick is to find what is going to work for you."