Kevin Schnittker: Much Stronger Than His Competitors

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His progress is breathtaking. Kevin Schnittker is a 23 year old bodybuilder who started competing in the teen class in 2006. A southpaw on the high school baseball team, he focused on developing his physique after graduating and competed in his first show, where he took the teen overall bodybuilding title. Kevin's back tatoo is in memory of his older brother who died of leukemia. His brother encouraged his physique development. The photos show two shootings with Kevin in 2007 and in 2008. Check out his comparison pics after 18 months of additional training.

Kevin's stats:
Year of Birth: 1987, Height: 6', Weight: 195 lbs, Waist: 30", Chest: 43", Arms: 17", Forearms: 14", Thighs: 24 1/2", Calves: 16", Neck: 15 1/2"


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