According to celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, women should not lift weights more than 3lbs.
Are you kidding me? What does she think? That if a woman did lift more weight than this she'd suddenly become enormous? Seriously... this woman needs a head exam (after I drop a 30lb weight on it). Grrr!!! She makes me so mad! Does she think we all want to look like the woman I posted above? Give me a break.
If a woman is only supposed to lift 3lbs and no more, how the heck can she carry a grocery bag? Or support her child? Or take out the trash (some of those bags are darn heavy!).
Oh wait, celebrities don't lift any of those things. They have slaves do it for them. ARghghghgh
Anyhow, Tony G, my good friend, has posted more on this and I strongly suggest you check it. (Plus, Tony blogs way more than I do, and is fricken hilarious. But, do come back for my weekly posts, as that's something I can stick to (so much going on right now that my blogging spare time is non-existant).